Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How To Build Trust

Trust. A precious virtue that is indeed very hard to obtain. Giving one's trust entails courage and an amount of time. The moment I gained the trust of my supervisor, office staffs, Disc Jockeys and my fellow interns, I felt my heart grew fonder. I know for myself that I am not hard to be somebody's friend. I appreciate whenever I see their eyes glow the moment I arrive at the office. Because of this, I am more enthusiastic and more energetic in performing my tasks and duties at the station.

Work, Work and Work

Before I enter second semester, I already conditioned my mind that I will be facing tons of workloads since I will be working in a radio station. True enough, I was loaded with challenging tasks this semester.

I know that I need to hurdle all these things in order for me to graduate. Although there were times that I think of giving up. My parents remained to be my inspiration to all these sacrifices that I am facing right now.

"Unya ra sa nang kiat-kiat, maabot ra ko ana." This has always been my motto since I entered college, which I am grateful because it really worked out for me!

Reap That!

As of present time, I really still can't imagine that I am already one step away in reaching my dreams and ambitions in life. Four years are just like months to me. With these four years are experiences that inspired and shaped me to become the person I am right now.

During this stage of my study, I realized that attaining high grades is only a second priority. What matters a lot are the learning and realizations about life. I am super thankful that during my four-year stay in this university, I can say that I already acquired the essential virtues that I need to possess in preparation for a more mature and challenging battle and that is employment.

Welcome Home!

Working in a radio station, FM in particular has always been a dream for me. Way back in high school, I always wanted to be heard on-air. I envied Disck Jocks who have really good voice quality on radio. Maybe this was the reason why I decided to choose Mass Communication as my degree.

Luckily I was accepted as an intern at Home Radio. Ever since, Home Radio has always been my favorite radio station.

 During my first week at the station, I was immediately introduced to the job of a DJ and eventually have me on-air. I can't explain my emotions during that time. What I can only remember was I kept on smiling with the DJ (sounds crazy ayt?). The DJ's aura is indeed contagious. I am super thankful that I started my internship at Home Radio the way I wanted it to be. I always look forward to new and memorable experiences as a DJ-intern ahead ~_^